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Sector: Servicios de eventos
Sede: Charlotte, NC, USA
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Web de empleo: Carlisle - Careers

Carlisle Companies Inc. is a diverse manufacturing company with 11,000 employees adding value to our company from 75 locations around the world.

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Datos sobre la empresa

Tipo De financiación privada
Industria Manufacturing Aviation Power Transmission Brakes Food
Fundación 1917
Sede central Charlotte, NC, USA
Gente clave David A. Roberts Chairman, President, CEOSteven J. Ford CFO,VP
Beneficio $3.6 Billion (2012)
Ingresos netos $180.8 Million (2012)
Total de activos $3462.4 Million (2012)
Página web
Tamaño de empresa De 51 a 200 empleados
Sitio web
Sector Servicios de eventos
Fundada 1974