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Sector: Industria farmacéutica
Sede: Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.
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Web de empleo: Pharmaceutical Sales | Medical Products | Engineering Jobs ...

Interested in a career in Pharmaceuticals, Engineering, BioScience IT, or Research? Baxter has career opportunities in these areas and more.

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Datos sobre la empresa

Tipo Empresa pública
Vendido como NYSE: BAX
Industria Medical equipment
Sede central Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.
Gente clave Robert L Parkinson Jr, Chairman, CEO and President
Productos Medical supplies to treat hemophilia, kidney disease and provide intravenous therapy
Beneficio US$12.8B (FY 2010)
Ingresos operativos US$2.14B (FY 2010)
Ingresos netos US$1.42B (FY 2010)
Total de activos US$17.5B (FY 2010)
Patrimonio neto US$6.57B (FY 2010)
Empleados 48,500
Página web
Tamaño de empresa Más de 10.001 empleados
Sitio web
Sector Industria farmacéutica
Fundada 1931