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Sector: Ingeniería industrial o mecánica
Sede: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
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Web de empleo: Careers - The Spirit of Teamwork – Careers – BW

The Babcock & Wilcox Company is committed to recruiting, retaining and rewarding the best minds in the business. Our employees are the keys to our success, and we ...

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Datos sobre la empresa

Tipo Empresa pública
Vendido como NYSE: BWC
Industria Power Generation, Government Services
Fundación 1867
Fundador/es Stephen Wilcox and George Herman Babcock
Sede central Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Zona de actuación Worldwide
Gente clave John A. Fees (Chairman) James E. Ferland (President & CEO) Mary Pat Salomone (COO) Christofer M. Mow
Productos Fossil and Nuclear Power Plants; Research and Development; Government Operations
Beneficio $3.3 billion (FY 2013)
Ingresos operativos $ 536.4 million (FY 2013)
Ingresos netos $ 332.4 million (FY 2013)
Total de activos $ 2.7 billion (FY 2011)
Patrimonio neto $ 834.9 million (FY 2011)
Empleados 12,700 (December 2011)
Página web
Tamaño de empresa Más de 10.001 empleados
Sitio web
Sector Ingeniería industrial o mecánica
Fundada 1867